Is very important for a First Certificate student, to work through a goal: pass the exam!
From English Studio, we would like to help you. How?
Our teachers will prepare you, during the course, to learn all about you can find in the exam. It is very important to pay attention in class, ask if you have any doubts and do the homework.
What else?
Work in the weekly tests.
Our students have real tests available from past years exams, to do every week. Then we will correct them and let you know what you need to improve.
Our students have also access to a lot of First Certificate related content:
Vocabulary, listening audios and exercises, writing exercises and grammar help.
And to support them, Eva, the First Certificate students tutor, is available every Monday at 17:30 to solve any question or doubts they may have about the tests.
The students just have to ask for a private class :) (in case Monday is not a good day for you, she could adapt to your timetable).
If you have any questions or need information, email us to